Aristotle once said “In all things of nature there is something of the marvellous”.
We, at Anvey Zion, have taken nature’s fruits and transformed them into a selection of outstanding products, such as confitures, jellies, glazes, cake frostings, creams, fruit intended for yoghurt and ice creams, as well as many other specialized fruit products, esteemed for their quality and flavor. Among our clients are bakers, pastry chefs and wholesalers.
Anvey Zion is Israel’s leading company in processing fruit and raw baking material, and one of the world’s prominent leaders in this field.
Anvey Zion products range from processed fruit, jams for baking, fruit fillings, candied citrus fruit and fruit for yoghurt, to faultless fruit used as raw material for ice cream, cake creams, non-fruit additives and fillings (mocha, nougat, chocolate frosting, vanilla, etc.), all of which have the unique ability to transform any pastry, ice cream or dairy product into the ultimate dessert.